The future of Yamal is ready to show the initiative.

The next district School of the leader «Future of Yamal» which was spent by department on youth policy ЯНАО together with Association of children's and youth associations of Yamal, has finished the work.

From February, 8 till February, 14th in Tyumen on base the DALE "Friendship-jamal" participants from 12 municipal unions of Yamal developed projects of preparation of a youth active – municipal schools, competitions, the forums which realisation will begin in the near future.

For the first time in 2010 the district School of the leader became a regional stage of the All-Russia competition on social designing «the Intellectual initiative», spent by the all-Russian children's public organisation Small Academy of sciences «Intelligence of the future» and author's agency «New Social and Pedagogical Technologies» NSPT.RU with support of National board of youth and children's associations of Russia. The competition purpose – development of culture of social designing in the children's and youth environment.

The school of the leader has been aimed at designing of municipal systems of work with the youth active, based on the initiative of the youth. Commands of cities and areas of Yamal took part in information-design sessions of "the Intellectual initiative», master classes and consultations of public educational program «the Personnel reserve of a civil society».

Last day training at School participants have presented 12 projects. Under the decision of experts among which there was also the director of department for the youth policy Elizabeth Dmitriev, ranks of winners of competition «Intellectual initiative» are awarded authors from cities Gubkinsky and Labytnangi, and also settlement New Port (the Yamal area), Krasnoselkupsky and Purovsky areas. The public examination spent by participants, has awarded лауреатство надымчанам.

It is necessary to notice that diplomas of winners in the program «Intellectual initiative» are handed over to each participant of a command, and heads of commands have received letters of thanks from Small Academy of sciences «Intelligence of the future».

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