On Yamal will create youth authority

On Yamal will create youth authority
In Yamal-Nenets autonomous region the youth government of region will be created. Such decision is accepted in the end of the left year a district management.

C the first working days of new year on Yamal work on formation of structure of youth authority has begun. From January, 10th till February, 22nd in district will pass competition in which can take part young yamalpeoples at the age from 18 till 30 years, inform in the press-service of governor YANAO.

To participants, besides documents and biographical particulars, it is necessary to present competitive works in which there should be offers on activization of social and economic development of Yamal to local governments.

At the first stage the competitive commission of each municipal union will select no more than three works recognized as best, and will direct them to district department of a youth policy and tourism for the organization of carrying out of the second stage of competition in which course candidates should protect the works publicly.

Let's notice that inhabitants of autonomous region will take part in selection of winners of the second stage of competition by interactive voting at carrying out of public protection also.

Eight most talented and active young men, ready to direct the potential on the decision of social and economic problems of Yamal become winners of competition. They become members of the youth government of region.

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