Youth and the power of Yamal

Youth and the power of Yamal
Tonight in the District Center of national cultures of the city of Salekhard opening political a forum of youth of Yamal “Youth and the power” has taken place.

The forum purpose - to define strategy of development of a youth policy of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.

Contemporaries have been invited to a forum from the various cities of JANAO and Russia (New Urengoj, Nadym, Labytnangi, Rostov on donu, Kirov). Participants of a forum will discuss problems of rising generation and questions of realization of a youth policy.

The youth forum of Yamal will pass Youth and the power in Salekhard from December, 16 till December, 18th 2011г. During this period, youth of each municipal union of district can ask the question and receive the answer from representatives executive and legislature of Yamal.

Within the limits of a forum on the air of regional television winners грантового competition "Business youth of Yamal" will be summed up and named

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