Yamal Kvnshchiki on the First channel

On March 21, in Moscow came to the end 1/8 endings of the Highest league of KVN of a season of 2012 in which yamalets took part: Rodion Kokov, Ruslan Shishkin and Alexey Pirozhkov from «the National team of Yamal» and Sergey Zhdanov from the Indigo team.
Northerners supported the Vyatka KVN team from Kirov. The Parapaparam teams from Moscow, «the National team of Bataysk», «The national team of Kamyzyaksky edge» from Astrakhan and «the National team of the Chechen Republic» from Grozny were their rivals.
Leaders of game were defined right after the first competition – children from nonexistent Kamyzyaksky edge and the Yamal and Kirov national team received the highest ball and were unique who left under a hall applause. In the competitions "Biathlon" and «Musical homework» there were astrakhanets slightly more strongly, but it didn't prevent "Vyatka" to pass in a quarterfinal from the second place. The Yamal viewer can see the television version of game on the First channel in April Fools' Day – on April 1.
Let's note that joint performance Yamal and Kirov Kvnshchikov became possible thanks to effective cooperation of "Vyatka" and department of youth policy and tourism of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug throughout 2010 and 2011. And in the current year, after Gala concert of the Sochi International KIVIN festival, the first joint performance of inhabitants of Kirov with yamalets was approved by editors and personally noted by Alexander Maslyakov.
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