Beauty of Yamal have subdued Paris

Beauty of Yamal have subdued Paris
On November, 22nd in the Russian center of a science and culture which is in Paris, photo-exhibition "Yamal has opened: traditions and the present". On it on November, 23rd have informed in the press-service of the governor of Yamal-Nenets joint-stock company.

The given photo-exhibition which will last till November, 26th, 2011, urged to acquaint visitors with history, culture and modern life of the Arctic region. It is project continuation "Yamal: sides of millenia in culture of the present", realized during the period with 2004 for 2009 in territory of Hungary and Serbia.

The conceptual basis of an exhibition is made by the comparative analysis of perception of modern culture and traditions of aboriginals of autonomous region representatives of different generations and cultures - Lyudmila Lipatovoj's Yamal regional specialist and the French journalist Astrid Vendlandt, some years devoted to studying of features of a way of life of the people of the Far North.

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