In Noyabrsk have begun work the thematic exhibitions devoted to 80 anniversary YANAO.
The bibliotechno-dosugovyj city center "Family" represents printing editions about history and development YANAO in a lay-out of the exhibition «the Kingdom of white snow». Visitors can get acquainted with products of the Yamal authors: L.Laptsuja, A.Nerkagi, R.Rugina and others. Creative works of participants of the amateur association "KOMPI-tentsija", devoted to North country, young readers of library became an exhibition part.
In "Intelligence Center" of Noyabrsk two exhibitions are presented attention of inhabitants and city visitors. To get acquainted with works young ноябрян in style of arts and crafts it is possible having visited an exposition under the thematic name «I - a droplet of Yamal». Here 38 works of children from various creative associations of a city at the age from 10 till 14 years are presented. Works are executed in different technicians is and woodcarving, application from various materials, a papier-mache, хантыйские and the Nenets dolls executed from a fabric and fur, a hand-made article with technics use бисероплетения.
The book exhibition «the Particle scarlet the Earth» represents to visitors of the edition about YANAO: history, ethnography, the nature, the social and economic policy, the literature of encyclopedic character. The presented collections of regional studies contain a wide spectrum of the arch of the knowledge, devoted to Yamal and all Russian North. Including data on territories and small ethnoses occupying them, place names, resources, a centuries-old history and the richest culture of region. To plunge into native land history the collection "Reprint" containing the editions of authors-researchers of the North of pre-revolutionary Russia will help. An originality of printing style in these editions create special atmosphere for the reader of our time. The collection «tundra Rhythms» is presented by printed matter in languages of the small people of the Yamal edge.
Multimedia addition to a lay-out of the exhibition «the Particle scarlet the Earth» is a virtual album under the name «Not the end of the earth – its beginning». In slide gallery before visitors all beauty of the nature of the Yamal north reveals.
In 2010 work under the project «Yamal in multimedia space» release 5 electronic disks became which result is finished: «Ecology YANAO», «Economy YANAO», «Ethnography YANAO», «Literary constellation of Yamal», «Fires of a native city». All releases of a thematic series are presented in "Intelligence Center" of Noyabrsk.
In "Intelligence Center" of Noyabrsk two exhibitions are presented attention of inhabitants and city visitors. To get acquainted with works young ноябрян in style of arts and crafts it is possible having visited an exposition under the thematic name «I - a droplet of Yamal». Here 38 works of children from various creative associations of a city at the age from 10 till 14 years are presented. Works are executed in different technicians is and woodcarving, application from various materials, a papier-mache, хантыйские and the Nenets dolls executed from a fabric and fur, a hand-made article with technics use бисероплетения.
The book exhibition «the Particle scarlet the Earth» represents to visitors of the edition about YANAO: history, ethnography, the nature, the social and economic policy, the literature of encyclopedic character. The presented collections of regional studies contain a wide spectrum of the arch of the knowledge, devoted to Yamal and all Russian North. Including data on territories and small ethnoses occupying them, place names, resources, a centuries-old history and the richest culture of region. To plunge into native land history the collection "Reprint" containing the editions of authors-researchers of the North of pre-revolutionary Russia will help. An originality of printing style in these editions create special atmosphere for the reader of our time. The collection «tundra Rhythms» is presented by printed matter in languages of the small people of the Yamal edge.
Multimedia addition to a lay-out of the exhibition «the Particle scarlet the Earth» is a virtual album under the name «Not the end of the earth – its beginning». In slide gallery before visitors all beauty of the nature of the Yamal north reveals.
In 2010 work under the project «Yamal in multimedia space» release 5 electronic disks became which result is finished: «Ecology YANAO», «Economy YANAO», «Ethnography YANAO», «Literary constellation of Yamal», «Fires of a native city». All releases of a thematic series are presented in "Intelligence Center" of Noyabrsk.
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