In New Urengoe have kept the house from fire

In New Urengoe has passed competition «we Will keep the house from fire» which has come to the end with an exhibition of children's works. In total 150 works have taken part in competition. Among them - drawings, posters, wall newspapers. Arts and crafts creativity is widely presented: an embroidery, application, a hand-made article, a burning out. There were works of technical character: models, breadboard models, designers, mechanical mobile board games, puzzles. There were talents and in literary creativity. Pupils of preschool centers became the most active participants of competition. For breadboard models kids haven't regretted the toys, used even doll clothes. From each work blew as kindness and deep understanding of the importance of fire-prevention propaganda. Competition is finished, summed up, and the exhibition will work some more days. It, undoubtedly, will please both children, and adults.

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