Yamalmans will be brought to Paris by the unique agricultural goods

Yamal will take part in the international agricultural exhibition «SIA» which will pass in Paris from February, 27th till March, 7th.

As the press-service of governor JANAO informs, this year Russia participates in an exposition in the fourth time, ямальцы — for the first time yamalmans take part for the first time. But experts are assured, numerous participants and visitors «SIA» will be necessarily interested by unique production of the Arctic region.

Let's note, the Yamal-Nenets autonomous region is the active participant of the international exhibitions. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, foreign officials, visitors and participants of exhibitions always gave an appreciation to the Yamal expositions. Exhibition stands of Yamal repeatedly became a platform for negotiation of heads of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation with the profile ministries of the foreign states and other officials.

As employees of department of the international and inter-regional communications mark, Yamal managed to establish strong business relations with the European companies on advancement of production of agriculture on the market of the EU countries.

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