Yamalpeolple will learn all world a carving on a bone

Yamalpeolple will learn all world a carving on a bone
Carving Master classes on a bone, a tree, an embroidery from fur and a skin will be spent by the Yamal experts at V International exhibition-fair «Northern civilisation. Treasures of the North 2010». The exposition will pass from April, 15 till April, 19th in Moscow.

As the press-service of governor JANAO informs, «Northern civilisation» will pass simultaneously with the Summit of leaders of the radical people of the Arctic region. It will give the chance to get acquainted with culture, national crafts of the radical small people "alive".

Participation of the Yamal delegation in an exhibition is organised by department of international and inter-regional communications JANAO and department on affairs of the radical small people of the North of district, administrations of municipal unions of Salekhard, Priuralsky, Yamal, Nadym areas, and also employees of Muzejno-expocentre of Shemanovsky.

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