The governor of Yamal has signed orders about appointment to posts
First deputies of heads of executive powers of the government of region. In particular, the first deputy of the director of department of international and inter-regional communications JANAO appoints Zolnikov Pavel Petrovich; by first deputies of the director of department of finance JANAO are appointed Zaharov Andrey Sergeevich and Nikitin Valentine Parfyonovna; the first deputy of the director of department on affairs of the radical small people of North JANAO appoints Eleskin Valery Fyodorovich.
Heads of executive powers of the government of region.
According to orders the director of department for agriculture JANAO development appoints Kucherenko Vyacheslav Stanislavovich; the director of department for protection, reproduction and regulation of use of bioresources ЯНАО – Tibajkin Vladimir Valerevich; the director of department of municipal development JANAO – Klimentyev Sergey Vladimirovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the director of department of mobilisation preparation – Seliverstov Vladimir Aleksandrovich; the director of department for affairs of the radical small people of North JANAO – Vello Lydia Patevna; the director of department of an information technology and communications JANAO – Ravens Alexander Viktorovich; the director of department of the state order and trade JANAO – Stepanovich Vladimir Vladimirovich; the director of department of employment of population JANAO – Terletsky Nadezhda Nikolaevna; the director of department of economy JANAO – Detter Gennady Filippovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); The director of department of civil protection and fire safety JANAO – Bulaev Igor Valerevich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the director of state-legal department JANAO – Parched Dmitry Viktorovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the director of department for youth politicians JANAO appoints Timergazina Elvira Rinatovna.
The head of service of veterinary science JANAO appoints Listishenko Andrey Aleksandrovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the head of service of housing supervision JANAO – Chanyshev Ilshat Rashitovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the head of service on affairs of archives JANAO appoints Golovina Natalia Petrovna; the head of agency of housing policy JANAO – Krylov Nadezhda Viktorovna (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); by the assistant to Governor JANAO it is appointed Davidov Galina Vladimirovna.
The head of region also has signed orders about appointment of first deputies of directors of departments JANAO. So, the first deputy of the director of department on agriculture development appoints Bojkov Dmitry Aleksandrovich; the first deputy of department of mobilisation preparation YANA
All orders have come into force on March, 16th, 2010.
Heads of executive powers of the government of region.
According to orders the director of department for agriculture JANAO development appoints Kucherenko Vyacheslav Stanislavovich; the director of department for protection, reproduction and regulation of use of bioresources ЯНАО – Tibajkin Vladimir Valerevich; the director of department of municipal development JANAO – Klimentyev Sergey Vladimirovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the director of department of mobilisation preparation – Seliverstov Vladimir Aleksandrovich; the director of department for affairs of the radical small people of North JANAO – Vello Lydia Patevna; the director of department of an information technology and communications JANAO – Ravens Alexander Viktorovich; the director of department of the state order and trade JANAO – Stepanovich Vladimir Vladimirovich; the director of department of employment of population JANAO – Terletsky Nadezhda Nikolaevna; the director of department of economy JANAO – Detter Gennady Filippovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); The director of department of civil protection and fire safety JANAO – Bulaev Igor Valerevich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the director of state-legal department JANAO – Parched Dmitry Viktorovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the director of department for youth politicians JANAO appoints Timergazina Elvira Rinatovna.
The head of service of veterinary science JANAO appoints Listishenko Andrey Aleksandrovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the head of service of housing supervision JANAO – Chanyshev Ilshat Rashitovich (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); the head of service on affairs of archives JANAO appoints Golovina Natalia Petrovna; the head of agency of housing policy JANAO – Krylov Nadezhda Viktorovna (consists in a reserve of administrative shots JANAO); by the assistant to Governor JANAO it is appointed Davidov Galina Vladimirovna.
The head of region also has signed orders about appointment of first deputies of directors of departments JANAO. So, the first deputy of the director of department on agriculture development appoints Bojkov Dmitry Aleksandrovich; the first deputy of department of mobilisation preparation YANA
All orders have come into force on March, 16th, 2010.
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