On Yamal new appointments
The governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin has signed orders about appointment to posts of heads of representations JANAO.
As have informed in the press-service of the governor of Yamal, the head of the Yamal representation in the Kurgan region appoints Valery Ryazanov, in St.-Petersburg - Elena Zaharova, in Ekaterinburg – Sergey Shitikov.
Oleg Kontonistov will supervise over autonomous region representation at the government of the Russian Federation.
The director of department for a science and innovations appoints Vitaly Hotsenko. The director of department for work and social protection of population JANAO appoints Svetlana Mosolova, by the director of department of building JANAO – Gennady Burjak, department of prirodno-resource regulation, wood relations and development of oil and gas complex JANAO – Sergey Rusakov.
Dmitry Kobylkin also has signed orders about appointment of first deputies of heads of enforcement authorities of district. The first deputy of the director of department on work and social protection of population JANAO appoints Elena Karpova, by the first deputy of the director of department of building ЯНАО – Jury Terjaev, the first deputy of the head of agency on physical training and sports ЯНАО – Alexander Pohodjaev. The assistant to the governor of Yamal appoints Sergey Mitrokhin.
As have informed in the press-service of the governor of Yamal, the head of the Yamal representation in the Kurgan region appoints Valery Ryazanov, in St.-Petersburg - Elena Zaharova, in Ekaterinburg – Sergey Shitikov.
Oleg Kontonistov will supervise over autonomous region representation at the government of the Russian Federation.
The director of department for a science and innovations appoints Vitaly Hotsenko. The director of department for work and social protection of population JANAO appoints Svetlana Mosolova, by the director of department of building JANAO – Gennady Burjak, department of prirodno-resource regulation, wood relations and development of oil and gas complex JANAO – Sergey Rusakov.
Dmitry Kobylkin also has signed orders about appointment of first deputies of heads of enforcement authorities of district. The first deputy of the director of department on work and social protection of population JANAO appoints Elena Karpova, by the first deputy of the director of department of building ЯНАО – Jury Terjaev, the first deputy of the head of agency on physical training and sports ЯНАО – Alexander Pohodjaev. The assistant to the governor of Yamal appoints Sergey Mitrokhin.
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