The power has made a step forward

The power has made a step forward
Jury Neyelov has signed the order which means appointment since January, 11th, 2010 on a post of the director of department of an information technology and communication JANAO of Alexander Voronova. Before appointment it held a post of the first deputy of the director of department. Now in connection with Sergey Gmyzina's retirement which supervised earlier over department, it (Alexander Voronov) has passed to a new post.

Natalia Golovina who held earlier a post of the first deputy of the head of service became the head of service on affairs of archives JANAO. We will notice that at appointment that the given heads stood in a reserve of administrative shots of public authorities of district, and also their high professionalism and a wide experience of supervising work has been considered.

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Вестник заполярья

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