New appointments in a management of the city of Labytnangi

Today at hardware meeting head of administration Sergey Karasev has presented the new assistant — Romana Vjacheslavovicha Galkin.

The novel Galkin will supervise questions of a housing-and-municipal complex, transport, communication and the housing policy. Anatoly Kuznetsov earlier holding this post has left on the deserved rest.

To the novel of Vjacheslavovichu of 37 years. Has two higher educations, are the state adviser of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region 2 classes. Northern working career of the Novel of Galkin has begun in 1996, in different years it worked as head Rostehnadzora on ЯНАО, headed department of power and housing and communal services YANAO, recently held a post of the first deputy of the head of service of housing supervision. In Labytnangi Galkin — not the beginner, here he has left school and began the working career. Representing the new assistant, Sergey Karasev has expressed hope that Romana Vjacheslavovicha experience will allow it to solve supervised questions actively and successfully.

Appointment of the Novel of Galkin to a post of the assistant to the head of administration — one more step labitnangi heads on a way to command updating.

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