The new head of administration of the city of Labytnangi is selected

In December present head of administration Serej Karasev declared the resignation at own will in connection with transition to other place of work. According to the municipal union Charter, in case of the preschedule termination of powers of the head of administration, its duty the assistant appointed according to the decision of the Municipal duma in full executes.
Deputies have accepted Sergey Karasev's resignation and have assigned duties of the head of administration on Galkin's Novel . The novel of Vjacheslavovich has started discharge of duties of the chief executive from now on till the moment of appointment of the head of administration of a city on competition. City-management system in Labytnangah has been entered in 2009. It provides replacement of a post of the head of administration on competition. For the organization and carrying out of competition the Duma should make the decision on creation of the competitive commission and appoint date. According to an order of carrying out of competition on replacement of a vacant post of the head of administration, total number of members of the competitive commission will make nine persons, from them two thirds are appointed local Duma members, and one third — district deputies on representation of the Governor. It is expected that deputies will accept decisions on carrying out of competition and creation of the competitive commission at the nearest session of the Municipal duma which will take place next week.
As a matter of fact, acceptance of resignation of Sergey Karasev had formal character, de jure its last working day as the head of administration was yesterday, on January, 12th. This day Sergey Viktorovich has held hardware meeting which differed nothing from ordinary weekly equipment rooms. Unique difference was only that orders in an imperative mood: «to take on control», «to execute in time» have been replaced with instructions and councils in the subjunctive: "would recommend" …
At meeting current questions of ability to live the cities which are under constant attention of the head of administration have been considered. Among them: preparation of the ground areas for scale housing construction, questions of resettlement from emergency habitation, repair of objects of social sphere, plans on a city accomplishment during the summer period. In a word, all those positions on which the development of the city as a whole and well-being of each inhabitant separately directly depends. Sergey Viktorovich has especially underlined that city life shouldn't stop in a transition period.
Coming back to Municipal duma session, it would be desirable to notice that the second point to move day there was Sergey Karasev's unanimous rewarding by the Certificate of honor for the powerful contribution to formation and development of local government and socially significant activity in territory of municipal union the city of Labytnangi. The chairman of the Duma Nikolay Pivovarov has expressed sincere words of gratitude and gratitude for mutual understanding between representative and executive power and has wished the ex-head of successes in the further professional career and family well-being.
In turn Sergey Karasev, addressing to people's choices, has expressed words of gratitude for teamwork.« I do not know how much I have justified your hopes, — Sergey Viktorovich, — but the program a minimum which I put before myself and the command has told, we realized. The most important thing, was possible to us in 2009 in crisis, budget sequesterings to keep stable conditions in a city. In the subsequent — in 2010-2011 — it has turned out to put in motion housing and road building, to begin building of new kindergartens, together with the district power to solve questions on designing water-purifying and building of the second turn of sewer treatment facilities. We managed to promote considerably in questions of engineering maintenance of microdistrict of individual building. There it is necessary to complete only a line низконапорного gas then we can give the ground areas completely provided with engineering to preferential categories of citizens and to expose on auctions for all comers. A problem question which remained — a bath in microdistrict Obsky. But also here there are real motions. The object is already exposed on the auctions and, I hope, during the summer period of time will be placed in operation. All specified directions are supported by financial resources, and inhabitants already will feel in the near future real positive changes ». Sergey Viktorovich has especially underlined that all significant decisions on Labytnangi were accepted thanks to support of a district management.
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