Strategy of socially economic development of the city of Labytnangi
The meeting devoted to working out of strategy of socially economic development of the city of Labytnangi has taken place. Head of administration Sergey Karasev has underlined, the future directly depends on that, strategic targets and problems and as there will be their realization will be how much correctly put. Strategy is some kind of a brief — the program defining activity of each sphere separately and a development of the city as a whole during the long period of time — till 2030. Strategy of socially economic development accumulates in itself departmental target programs and an investment component, the mechanism of realization of the general layout of building, will define the plan of action of the City administration and a package of is standard legal certificates which will be necessary for developing and accepting for realization in life of all tasks in view. This software product becomes a basis at formation of all subsequent budgets of municipal union.
For preparation some kind of the development scenario the all-round analysis of available problems in each sphere is required: formation, public health services, in development of small and average business, culture and sports, information technology. Will be weighed strong and weaknesses, are defined average indexes in comparison with other municipal unions of Yamal that finally will give the chance to define indicators of a development of the city, conformable with development of all autonomous region.
For preparation some kind of the development scenario the all-round analysis of available problems in each sphere is required: formation, public health services, in development of small and average business, culture and sports, information technology. Will be weighed strong and weaknesses, are defined average indexes in comparison with other municipal unions of Yamal that finally will give the chance to define indicators of a development of the city, conformable with development of all autonomous region.
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