In Labytnangah under housing construction will allocate the whole microdistrict
In Administration of Labytnangi have considered questions of engineering maintenance of the ground areas under perspective housing building. About importance of a question says that fact that two assistants to the head of administration have taken part in its discussion — the Novel Galkin and Igor Samoilov — questions of housing and communal services supervising, accordingly, and building at once.
It was a question of complex building of microdistrict in borders of streets Komsomol - the World-May Day-October. Experts of management of capital construction have presented the calculations on capacities and loadings in a cut of each utility: heat - vodo - gazo - an electrical supply, water removal. And heads of the power supplying enterprises have commensurated existing possibilities with requirements. To carry out the detailed analysis and to present concrete algorithms of the decision of engineering problems to them it is necessary next week.
The assistant to the head of administration the Novel Galkin prays at decision of architecturally-building questions to pay attention first of all on maintenance of comfortable residing of the future new settlers regarding necessary quantity of parking spaces, parking places, garage, convenient access roads. And also to consider places for installation of small game forms, arrangements of athletic fields and places for garbage gathering. «It is serious questions which, first of all, are directed on creation of convenience to inhabitants», — Galkin speaks. The novel of Vjacheslavovich is assured that these problems are necessary for solving even to the detriment of building density.
In considered microdistrict building of mainly 7-storeyed apartment houses is supposed. The building volume will make about 100 thousand square meters of habitation that, according to Igor Samoilov, completely will close a problem of resettlement from emergency habitation and will partially allow to move townspeople from areas of unpromising development: Geophysics. The novel Galkin at discussion of conceptual approaches of development of engineering recommended to study experience of northern cities regarding use local boiler-houses. considers that is necessary «to leave from», and the developed joint decision first of all should be economically expedient.
The program of complex development of microdistrict is calculated on prospect, and in the nearest plans — building of twelve 3-storeyed apartment houses of dot building on sites already provided with engineering capacities in full. Realization of these problems the next two-three years will allow to enter an order of 25 thousand square meters of habitation that considerably will advance turn of the townspeople, expecting resettlement from emergency houses.
It was a question of complex building of microdistrict in borders of streets Komsomol - the World-May Day-October. Experts of management of capital construction have presented the calculations on capacities and loadings in a cut of each utility: heat - vodo - gazo - an electrical supply, water removal. And heads of the power supplying enterprises have commensurated existing possibilities with requirements. To carry out the detailed analysis and to present concrete algorithms of the decision of engineering problems to them it is necessary next week.
The assistant to the head of administration the Novel Galkin prays at decision of architecturally-building questions to pay attention first of all on maintenance of comfortable residing of the future new settlers regarding necessary quantity of parking spaces, parking places, garage, convenient access roads. And also to consider places for installation of small game forms, arrangements of athletic fields and places for garbage gathering. «It is serious questions which, first of all, are directed on creation of convenience to inhabitants», — Galkin speaks. The novel of Vjacheslavovich is assured that these problems are necessary for solving even to the detriment of building density.
In considered microdistrict building of mainly 7-storeyed apartment houses is supposed. The building volume will make about 100 thousand square meters of habitation that, according to Igor Samoilov, completely will close a problem of resettlement from emergency habitation and will partially allow to move townspeople from areas of unpromising development: Geophysics. The novel Galkin at discussion of conceptual approaches of development of engineering recommended to study experience of northern cities regarding use local boiler-houses. considers that is necessary «to leave from», and the developed joint decision first of all should be economically expedient.
The program of complex development of microdistrict is calculated on prospect, and in the nearest plans — building of twelve 3-storeyed apartment houses of dot building on sites already provided with engineering capacities in full. Realization of these problems the next two-three years will allow to enter an order of 25 thousand square meters of habitation that considerably will advance turn of the townspeople, expecting resettlement from emergency houses.
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