In Labytnangah new head JKH and transport

At hardware meeting head of administration Oleg Cherevko has presented to colleagues of the new chief of the department of housing and communal services and transport — Ravilja Kasimova. Ravil Faridovich has ended the Izhevsk technical university, the Russian Academy of civil service at the President. Worked in management of a housing-and-municipal complex of Administration Gubkinsky, recently headed limited liability company «the North Region».
Further at meeting current questions of ability to live the cities which are on control of the head of administration and its assistants have been considered. Among such questions: an accomplishment, repair of roads and objects of social sphere, timeliness of carrying out of auctions and preparation of the design documentation. One of control questions of Cherevko — the transport thrown in court yard. On the instructions of the head of administration experts of management of town-planning carry investigations of a part of city territories, 28 units of the supersize thrown technics without state numbers, in a non-working condition which long time isn't used are revealed, 51 truck is used for the designated purpose, but costs thus in immediate proximity from houses where frequently also the repair base there and then settles down. лабытнангского "managing" Oleg Leonidovich intends to change this feature considerably. In Administration the order of recycling of the thrown transport which undergoes now procedure of the coordination with all interested services is already prepared. It is necessary for proprietors of such technics to mean that autostuff storage in court yard concerns an administrative offense under article «infringement of rules of an accomplishment» and is punished by penalties.
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