In Labytnangakh opened a shame board

In Labytnangakh opened a shame board
Since July in Labytnangakh «The shame board» works virtual, the branch with the same name is open at a forum of an official site of the City administration . During its work 45 signals arrived. Inhabitants write about the thrown transport, unrepaired playgrounds, repair of roads, accomplishment questions, relationship with management companies and many other. In a word, «The shame board» became a public place of concentration of city problems.

Head of administration Oleg Cherevko admits that the forum is a peculiar searchlight of public control and doesn't allow subordinated to relax. «People, addressing on a forum, not simply write about the problems, and often prompt also their solutions» — Head speaks. So, including thanks to addresses of citizens, at a dangerous crossroads there was a panoramic mirror, a number of spontaneous dumps is liquidated, places for collecting garbage are well-planned. Addresses of citizens become the indicator of city problems and lead to adoption of administrative decisions. One of such examples — fight against autostuff. For the solution of this problem the normative document approved an order, the special commission is created and already there are concrete results: about 200 units of equipment are revealed, work on its evacuation and utilization is begun. Head is sure, if the commission didn't reach the concrete address which was designated by inhabitants, yet, it is necessary to suffer simply.

«Shame boards» Oleg Leonidovich considers as one of positive results of work splash in human unindifference, and also increase of efficiency of activity of the power and trust level to it. From «A shame board» Oleg Cherevko holds a course of consideration of questions on personal control and considers such form of work as the additional tool, allowing to adjust with inhabitants constructive dialogue. With the population Oleg Leonidovich refers personal receptions and quarterly meetings with inhabitants to the main forms of feedback. Before citizens Head will carry out the next reports on October 10,11.

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