Gubkinets Oleg Cherevko - the new head of administration of the city of Labytnangi

Gubkinets Oleg Cherevko - the new head of administration of the city of Labytnangi
In Labytnangah contest for vacancy of the head of administration has come to the end. We will remind, among applicants appeared three persons:

Vitaly Baev — the chief of department of planning of incomes of the budget of department of the finance,
Leonid Pankov — the general director of Open Company "Nordburg" and
Oleg Cherevko — the director of Open Company «Cosy house» in Gubkinsky.

From three contestants Leonid Pankov already had experience of participation in similar competition in 2009. For other candidates similar test was for the first time.

Originally competitive commission has considered the presented documents about conformity to the qualifying requirements shown to a post of the head of an executive office of the power. All candidates have been admitted to the second stage which passed in a format of individual interview. Interview with applicants lasted in total about two hours. Programs of all contestants included the analysis of a social and economic condition of a city for today and its development on intermediate term and long-term prospect. Members of the competitive commission the knowledge potential town governors of city problems and vision of ways of their decision, understanding of priorities and aspiration to change city life to the best interested. Thereupon, according to the committee-men, Oleg Cherevko's presented report favourably differed from others the reality which has been given reason by a position, novelty and aspiration to make shape of a city it is better, and life of townspeople - is more comfortable. One of the main problems which Oleg Leonidovich as city-manager — liquidation of emergency available housing intends to solve. Oleg Cherevko has positively estimated all that huge work which has been made regarding housing construction activization. He intends and to cooperate actively henceforth with Fund housing building, to continue work on formation and granting of the ground areas for building of habitation and other objects. Creation of new workplaces of Cherevko named a problem number two.« It is long process which as a result will allow to create as much as possible comfortable climate for arrival of new structures and attraction of investments », — Oleg Leonidovich hasn'ted. Among priorities continuation of plans on building and reconstruction of roads, improvement of quality of services in housing and communal services sphere, creation of favorable social and economic and legal conditions for business development, fastening in the country the status of the logistical center and, the most important thing, change of moral atmosphere in a city on more positive appears also.

For Oleg Cherevko's nominee members of the competitive commission have voted unanimously.

Later, in interview to journalists, on a question, whether will prevent you, city ignorance, Oleg Leonidovich has answered: «I the person the military man. To moving has got used also any discomfort in this respect I do not test. I understand that works will be much, but I am glad to it» .

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