In Labytnangah candidates to the place of city-menezhdera are defined

Three persons apply for the post of city-menezhdera in Labytnangah. On Friday evening here have finished documents acceptance from potential managers. To candidates on whom we informed earlier — to Leonid Pankovu and Oleg Cherevko, — Vitaly Baev was added. Vitaly Jurevich works in department of the finance as the chief of department of planning of incomes of the budget. Has higher education. Has ended the Tyumen state agricultural academy on a speciality accounting, the analysis and audit. Has a class rank of the municipal adviser in YANAO 3 classes.
Let's remind, contest for vacancy of the head of administration will take place on February, 17th. The commission should check up the documents presented by applicants for conformity to qualifying requirements, to make the decision on the admission of contestants to the second stage and during interview to define the most worthy to head a power executive office. The structure of the competitive commission from a city included the chairman of the Municipal duma Nikolay Pivovarov, deputies Alexander Koljada, Natalia Sukhorukov, Igor Varvjansky, and also the assistant to the head of administration operating affairs Irina Andreeva and the chief of legal department Irina Vysotsky. From district into commission structure have entered: Irina Sokolova — the assistant to the Governor, the head of the device, Sergey Klimentyev — the director of department of internal policy and Elena Pushkarev — the vice-president of committee of Legislative Assembly under the budget, taxes and the finance. Following the results of competition the commission will define the winner and will submit it for approval to deputies.
The definitive verdict on the future head will be taken out by people's choices. It is expected that Municipal duma session will take place on February, 20th.
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