Ivan Kononenko – the new head of administration of Salekhard.

Ivan Kononenko – the new head of administration of Salekhard.
On February, 22nd, deputies have confirmed Ivan Kononenko on a post of the head of administration of Salekhard. The question was considered at the next session of a municipal duma where people's choices have arrived almost with its full complement. The nominee of Kononenko was presented the chairman of the competitive commission, the assistant to the governor by Irina Sokolova. She hasn'ted unanimity with which members of the competitive commission have chosen the winner, and has acquainted gathered with the program of the applicant about a social and economic development of the city.

After voting of the deputies, new city-manager of Salekhard the chairman of a municipal duma Alexander Spirin and the governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin have congratulated. The head of region has noticed what to head capital - especially honourable mission, after all to Salekhard all other municipalities of district equal. Dmitry Kobylkin has wished Ivan Kononenko success in hard, but very responsible work.

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