Quality of repair of roads in Labytnangah on control!

In the City administration the hardware meeting with participation of heads of the enterprises and the organizations which are responsible for preparation of objects of life-support, enterprises and apartment houses by the next osenne-winter period has taken place. Among control questions quality and rates of repair of city roads.
Upon termination of meeting the assistant to the head of administration the Novel Galkin together with representatives of contract organization, housing and communal services and transport management have left to a venue of a roadwork. Have begun with the central part of street of Gagarin which last week "has put on" in new asphalt. Unfortunately, a problem place in this street still there is a failure where there was a following stop checking. A pipe which it is necessary to lay under a road cloth already delivered, so the contract organization starts liquidation of a failure and restoration of a road cloth. Wait for the turn street School which already have practically prepared for continuous asphalting and sites of roads where this year it is planned repair.
As it was informed earlier, this year on restoration of roads it is planned to master an order of 200 million roubles which are allocated to a city from the district budget. This sum five times more than last year.
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