Repair of roads of Labytnangi – on national control
At the expanded session of the deputy commission on housing and communal services, transport and communication people's choices have considered results of repair work on city roads.
The city ulichno-high system totals without small 87 kilometers of roads and 23 kilometers of sidewalks. On the maintenance of this economy in city budget it is annually provided an order of 90 million roubles and almost annually this sum doesn't accustom. A similar situation with development of the means provided on repair of roads. During the current year in respect of carrying out of repair work it was provided 37 thousand square meters of a cloth. It is actually executed 34 thousand square meters for the sum of 51 million roubles. Because of poor quality of asphalt by the customer it is removed from financing of an order of 10 million roubles. On other volumes to works now there are laboratory researches. According to the general director of management of the uniform customer of Galina Turintsevoj, from eleven tests on which the laboratory researches are already conducted, nine tests have received the negative decision.
Let's remind, a bit earlier during press conference head of administration Sergey Karasev has assured inhabitants that any budgetary rouble for poor-quality work won't be paid for repair of roads.
People's choices during consideration one question interested, perhaps, only how to avoid repetition of a similar situation henceforth, how to make so that on execution of the municipal order, including on ulichno-high system repair work there was exclusively diligent contractor?
In addition during consideration of a "road" question head of administration Sergey Karasev has informed deputies on formation of the target municipal program on repair of roads for 2011-2013 and about design and exploration work on reconstruction of streets School and Dzerzhinsky.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
The city ulichno-high system totals without small 87 kilometers of roads and 23 kilometers of sidewalks. On the maintenance of this economy in city budget it is annually provided an order of 90 million roubles and almost annually this sum doesn't accustom. A similar situation with development of the means provided on repair of roads. During the current year in respect of carrying out of repair work it was provided 37 thousand square meters of a cloth. It is actually executed 34 thousand square meters for the sum of 51 million roubles. Because of poor quality of asphalt by the customer it is removed from financing of an order of 10 million roubles. On other volumes to works now there are laboratory researches. According to the general director of management of the uniform customer of Galina Turintsevoj, from eleven tests on which the laboratory researches are already conducted, nine tests have received the negative decision.
Let's remind, a bit earlier during press conference head of administration Sergey Karasev has assured inhabitants that any budgetary rouble for poor-quality work won't be paid for repair of roads.
People's choices during consideration one question interested, perhaps, only how to avoid repetition of a similar situation henceforth, how to make so that on execution of the municipal order, including on ulichno-high system repair work there was exclusively diligent contractor?
In addition during consideration of a "road" question head of administration Sergey Karasev has informed deputies on formation of the target municipal program on repair of roads for 2011-2013 and about design and exploration work on reconstruction of streets School and Dzerzhinsky.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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