In Labytnangah has passed "Success Lesson"
Labytnangsky school with profound studying of separate subjects №3 within the limits of the all-Russian action «a success Lesson. You know — teach!» Met the graduates who have achieved considerable results in the professional work. Among known graduates alma-mater head of administration Sergey Karasev and its assistant Marina Treskova. Representatives of a management of a city shared secrets of success with senior pupils and answered far not children's questions. Youth prospects of building of habitation and welfare projects, the leisure organization, repair of roads and ulichno-high system development interested. Besides, senior pupils asked about marital status of visitors, their hobbies, favourite school subjects and sports. And, the most important thing, the future graduates interested, what speciality to choose to be necessary to a city? Sergey Viktorovich has answered this question:« Competent experts always on «gold weight». The Head of administration has advised to senior pupils to choose engineering specialities in building branch. The lawyer by training, Sergey Karasev has recommended specialities of a legal profile to choose only that who «the lawyer in a shower». On a question, whether there is a limit of dreams in career growth, the head of administration has answered that would be not against in the future to test in commercial activity, and Marina Treskova has answered that its problems on the near future — to penetrate to details and trifles into that circle of questions which it supervises now. We will remind, Marina Aronovna has started a post of the assistant to the head of administration more recently, its competence includes social policy and public health services questions. Before it held a post of the editor-in-chief of city television.
Speaking about the success formula, Sergey Karasev has noticed what to achieve results in professional work to it has helped healthy aspiration from school age to be the best in study, bent for to reception of new knowledge, readiness for self-development. We will remind, Sergey Viktorovich has left school with the silver medal, two higher educational institutions — with distinction. Now is the competitor of chair of the administrative and municipal right of the Saratov state academy of the right.
Speaking about the success formula, Sergey Karasev has noticed what to achieve results in professional work to it has helped healthy aspiration from school age to be the best in study, bent for to reception of new knowledge, readiness for self-development. We will remind, Sergey Viktorovich has left school with the silver medal, two higher educational institutions — with distinction. Now is the competitor of chair of the administrative and municipal right of the Saratov state academy of the right.
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