In Labytnangah for the first time has passed administrative day of self-management
The first in the history Administrations day of self-management has been rather sated by actions, meetings, working trips. We will remind, in Labytnangah senior pupils have replaced with one day of city officials. Day of "doubler" has begun with weekly operative meeting at head of administration Sergey Karasev. Distinguished only that graduates of the schools, replacing officials of authorities became participants of meeting. However, the answer on all severity was held by the present managers. Their doublers could plunge at this time into atmosphere of discussion of real problems, ways of their decision and even the present censures to this or that official. By the way, the given moment at all hasn't frightened senior pupils, and has more likely stimulated to special responsibility and gravity. Later in interview to city television one of doublers — Dmitry Firstaev, has told that the meeting was similar to a school lesson where the head of administration put problems and asked homework execution.
Further each of beginners-managers worked under the schedule, penetrating into specificity of activity of the direct instructor. For example, замглавы on building with departure has into place studied a problem of a pulling down of ownerless structures and the garages getting to a zone of perspective building. The assistant on social problems has visited on delivery object of children's polyclinic and has studied a problem of the organization of a two-single food at schools. З on housing and communal services has experienced municipal problems of the population, having visited on personal enrollment of citizens. The doubler of the head of department of formation has taken part in the air on a theme «State educational standards». The doubler of the chief of the department of culture prepared the scenario for Day of astronautics. The doubler of the head physician hospitals since early morning spent detour. The doubler of the head of administration Alexey Manzjuk has familiarized with building prospect, has visited on building sites of apartment houses and on under construction children's polyclinic. In a word, graduates of schools had to plunge into all spheres of ability to live of a city: to prepare standard documents, to make legal examinations, to make out reports, to write press releases, to open celebratory actions, to analyze availability of local authorities by means of a network the Internet, to register documents in an electronic database, to prepare explanatory notes and etc. It is necessary to tell that senior pupils were not only assistants to the instructors, but also adequately replaced them. The doubler of the head of administration Alexey Manzjuk has independently held meeting concerning a city accomplishment during the summer period. To new structure of managers it was necessary not only to define the list of actions, but also to keep within certain volume of financial resources. Besides, managers-beginners should prepare the offers for choice concepts of a new kindergarten. Contrary to initial plans in which one meeting under the chairmanship of Alexey Petrovicha appeared, actually it has spent their three, thoroughly studying a problem, putting specific targets before the subordinates and penetrating into specificity of local government.
Summarizing of day of self-management will take place tonight. Here doublers will share the operating time with head of administration Sergey Karasev, will state offers and wishes. Karasev considers that similar administrative experience will be useful to senior pupils at a choice of the future trade. However, opening day of self-management, he hasn't advised to anybody to choose as the basic vocational training GMU. According to the head of administration, formation of the manager is more preferable to receive as the second the higher, in addition to the basic speciality.
Further each of beginners-managers worked under the schedule, penetrating into specificity of activity of the direct instructor. For example, замглавы on building with departure has into place studied a problem of a pulling down of ownerless structures and the garages getting to a zone of perspective building. The assistant on social problems has visited on delivery object of children's polyclinic and has studied a problem of the organization of a two-single food at schools. З on housing and communal services has experienced municipal problems of the population, having visited on personal enrollment of citizens. The doubler of the head of department of formation has taken part in the air on a theme «State educational standards». The doubler of the chief of the department of culture prepared the scenario for Day of astronautics. The doubler of the head physician hospitals since early morning spent detour. The doubler of the head of administration Alexey Manzjuk has familiarized with building prospect, has visited on building sites of apartment houses and on under construction children's polyclinic. In a word, graduates of schools had to plunge into all spheres of ability to live of a city: to prepare standard documents, to make legal examinations, to make out reports, to write press releases, to open celebratory actions, to analyze availability of local authorities by means of a network the Internet, to register documents in an electronic database, to prepare explanatory notes and etc. It is necessary to tell that senior pupils were not only assistants to the instructors, but also adequately replaced them. The doubler of the head of administration Alexey Manzjuk has independently held meeting concerning a city accomplishment during the summer period. To new structure of managers it was necessary not only to define the list of actions, but also to keep within certain volume of financial resources. Besides, managers-beginners should prepare the offers for choice concepts of a new kindergarten. Contrary to initial plans in which one meeting under the chairmanship of Alexey Petrovicha appeared, actually it has spent their three, thoroughly studying a problem, putting specific targets before the subordinates and penetrating into specificity of local government.
Summarizing of day of self-management will take place tonight. Here doublers will share the operating time with head of administration Sergey Karasev, will state offers and wishes. Karasev considers that similar administrative experience will be useful to senior pupils at a choice of the future trade. However, opening day of self-management, he hasn't advised to anybody to choose as the basic vocational training GMU. According to the head of administration, formation of the manager is more preferable to receive as the second the higher, in addition to the basic speciality.
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