Condition of Labytnangsky public health services

The report for 2009 has been presented by Nikolay Druzhinin to hospital collective. That fact testifies to the importance of similar action that on the report there was head of administration Sergey Karasev, the assistant to head of administration Ljubov Harunenko.

Nikolay Petrovich has presented the detailed information on all indicators characterising work of establishments of public health services and on each rouble of spent means. The head physician has noticed that the hospital with performance of the municipal order as a whole has consulted, to what positive dynamics of almost all indicators testifies.

Especially the head physician has stopped on a situation with a flu. «Despite the big work on flu preventive maintenance, more than 7 thousand persons had been ill with this disease», — Druzhinin has noted.

Nikolay Druzhinin has given the detailed analysis and to personnel potential of hospital. In LCGMB 814 persons work, do makes 74 %. 42 doctors have the highest category, 3 — candidates of medical sciences. The head physician notices that the city Labytnangsky public health services have enough, the cardiologist, therapists are necessary. Separately Nikolay Druzhinin has stopped on allocation of additional means for acquisition of the medical equipment, among which long-awaited computer tomograph.

Head of administration Sergey Karasev has thanked collective of city hospital for work, having noticed that the public health services always were on in the lead positions in district. Sergey Viktorovich has expressed words of gratitude for a harmonious hard work in a flu epidemic that, as he said, has allowed to minimise flash.

Action by celebration man, worked in system Labytnangsky public health services over 10 years has ended.

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