The deputy director of department of formation JANAO has taken part in a seminar of Press Secretaries

The deputy director of department of formation of JANAO Elina Bejsova has taken part in a seminar of Press Secretaries of controls formation of subjects of the Russian Federation which has passed on March, 2-4nd in Moscow Region. In a seminar participated more than 50 persons from 36 regions of the country. The action main objective – to discuss trends of development of a Russian education and technology of their information support in 2010, declared in the Russian Federation Year of the teacher.
Within the limits of a seminar participants have met representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency of supervision in an education sphere and sciences, with experts in the field of design, modern PR-technologies and new media. About project start «Bases of religious cultures and secular ethics» has told the deputy director of department of a state policy in M.V.Gonchar's formation. About creation of conditions for reception of formation by persons with the limited possibilities of health and invalids spoke the director of department of a state policy in sphere of education, an additional education and social protection of children of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation by A.A.Levitsky.
The deputy minister of science and education of the Russian Federation I.I.guelder-rose has acted with the report «National educational initiative« Our new school »- a basis of modernisation of system of relations of school and a society». He has told about basic accents of the initiative «Our new school» and has set for regional educational bodies a problem of inclusion of a society in process of discussion of a development of education.
Principles of work and mechanisms of interaction with mass media and Internet community were presented by the federal press centre of Year of the teacher, organised by Communication agency AGT. Participants of a seminar have shared the operating time in the field of information support of actions, have got acquainted with experience of the Ministry of Education of Moscow Region on realisation and information illumination of the priority national project "Formation".
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