In Labytnangah realization of national projects proceeds

Session of working group on realization of priority national projects "Health", "Formation" and carrying out of a demographic policy in the city territory has taken place. Results of activity in the several directions, are discussed by certain national projects.

In particular one of the purposes of the national project "Formation" is revealing of the best pedagogical experience, encouragement of the best representatives of this sphere, a raising in a society of the status of the teacher and popularization of this trade. These problems were conformable with carrying out in Russia of Year of the teacher. As passed in a municipal education system this year, Svetlana Gritsenko has informed the head of department of formation. It was not necessary to Rest on laurels. Year has been sated by the diversified actions which have captured pedagogical community of kindergartens, schools and additional education establishments. The festival of pedagogical skill has opened new names of teachers-innovators, within the limits of a pedagogical marathon demonstration of the best pedagogical experience has taken place, movement has allowed to reveal the strongest pupils and to define weak links in educational process.

Certainly, all spent work as a whole directly is reflected in quality of formation. An estimation to quality give not only managers, but also public men. It is necessary to notice that representatives of public organizations actively participate in competitive selection of the best educational institutions and the teachers applying on support. Under public supervision there passes license and examination of documents and uniform graduation examination. Public reports — one more form, allowing to pay attention of a public wide range to achievements and formation problems.

Prophylactic medical examination of the children's and working population is a part of the priority national project "Health". This theme also has sounded during session of working group. From 425 workers occupied on manufactures with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions have passed physical examinations of 310 persons. Only 40 workers doctors recognized as healthy, in other cases additional inspections were required. Prophylactic medical examination of workers of budgetary establishments proceeds. In plans for the next year carrying out of medical examinations of teenagers.

The project of the district target program «Social support of invalids on 2011 — 2013» also became a point of issue. In the project the emphasis on creation spaces that will promote active participation of invalids in society life is placed. Besides it the working group had been summed up works for a year and the plan of work for prospect is confirmed.

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