Five Yamal teachers became owners of the award of the President of the Russian Federation.

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation №748 confirms the list of winners of competition on reception of monetary encouragement by the best teachers. Competition passed in all subjects within the limits of realisation of the priority national project "Formation".

Let's remind that according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation D.A.Medvedev with a view of stimulation of teaching and educational activity of teachers, development of their creative and professional potential in 2010 1 thousand monetary encouragements of 200 thousand roubles everyone has been established. And encouragement to the best teachers is paid for high achievements in the pedagogical activity, received social recognition.

According to the deputy director of department of formation of Eliny Bejsovoj, by results of public examination in 2010 winners of competition in district and, accordingly, owners of the award of the head of the state at a rate of 200 thousand roubles of a steel:

Irina Vajzberg, the teacher of history and social science of school of №3 of Nadym;
Razima Hamitova, the teacher of history and social science of school of №2 Tarko-fat;
Maria Sinenko, the teacher of biology and chemistry of the Grammar school of a city of Nadym;
Galina Bagutskaja, the teacher of Russian and the literature of school of №2 Tarko-fat;
Irina Kuzmichyova, the teacher of Russian and the literature of Versatile lycée of Muravlenko.

Presidential grants and diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation will be handed over winners in solemn conditions within the limits of celebrating of a professional holiday – Day of the teacher.

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