In the Yamal versatile college will pass competition of professional and pedagogical skill.
On March, 17-18th in the Yamal versatile college (Salekhard) competition of professional and pedagogical skill «Skill and creativity» will take place. It as employees of department of formation JANAO have noted is spent, for the purpose of increase of prestige and the status of pedagogical workers, development of the general professional culture, creation of conditions for realisation of creative potential of pedagogical workers of college, and also within the limits of a Year of the teacher.
Конкурсанты, representing four branches of college (pedagogical, medical, culture and arts and initial vocational training), have prepared cards «First impression», will show a master class «to Uchene – light!», will participate in competition on knowledge of bases of a pedagogical trade and the general erudition «the First among equal» and competition of talents «Creative workshop».
Solemn opening of competition will take place on March, 17th at 16.00 in assembly harm of college. Following the results of two-day competitions winners and prize-winners, and also winners in various nominations will be revealed.
Конкурсанты, representing four branches of college (pedagogical, medical, culture and arts and initial vocational training), have prepared cards «First impression», will show a master class «to Uchene – light!», will participate in competition on knowledge of bases of a pedagogical trade and the general erudition «the First among equal» and competition of talents «Creative workshop».
Solemn opening of competition will take place on March, 17th at 16.00 in assembly harm of college. Following the results of two-day competitions winners and prize-winners, and also winners in various nominations will be revealed.
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