On Yamal started year of the qualified experts

On Yamal started year of the qualified experts
In the city of Labytnangi solemn opening of competition of pedagogical skill started Year of the qualified experts on Yamal. Competition is a traditional component of the city festival uniting young experts of this sphere, tutors, teachers-predmetnikov, teachers of additional education, class teachers.

This year there are highlights: to already known nominations of competition the sixth is added — «the Head of year». 6 heads of educational institutions apply For this honorary title. There are innovations and in competitive tests. To such traditional tests as "Card", protection of the pedagogical concept, open lessons, out-of-class actions and master classes carrying out of open discussions is added. Within the limits of carrying out of debatable platforms organizers of festival intend to reveal at contestants of ability to discuss on the set themes, to go during disputes on the compromise or to victorious to prove the point of view, having overpersuaded as a result of all opponents.

29 persons will take part in competition of professional skill. Closing of festival of pedagogical skill on February, 25th will take place and its winners will be named.

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