Fireworks of pedagogical skill

Within February in the city of Labytnangi passed festival of pedagogical skill. For the first time it was interdepartmental, captured pedagogical community of two spheres — cultures and formations. Within the limits of festival competition of professional skill in which 35 teachers have taken part has been held. Today for participants, their pedagogical collectives and judges behind the thematic weeks, open lessons, protection of pedagogical concepts, master classes, methodical sessions where the advanced experience, new ideas of the best tutors, young experts, class teachers, teachers of an additional education and teachers-predmetnikov was broadcast. Pedagogical opening have taken place, and new names have filled up a galaxy of the best teachers of a city.

Nikolay Goryntsev — the teacher of geography school №2 became the winner of competition. By this triumphal day it has saved up a five years' operational experience. Eccentricity of its person has pleasantly surprised and has admired competition jury. As it has appeared, to the Teacher of year all on-shoulder: he excellent owns a professional knowledge, knows how to carry away the pupils, is able to "light" any audience of listeners, is creatively presented and full of new ideas. During rewarding ceremony together with congratulations and wishes of successes in such important for all society work head of administration Sergey Karasev has handed over to the winner keys from office apartment.

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