The Yamal teachers will receive 4 million bonus

45 Yamal teachers can receive in 2010 bonus within the limits of the national project "Formation". In region soon starts competition on monetary encouragement of the best teachers.

As informs "Uralinformbjuro", for Yamal the following quota – five federal awards on 200 thousand roubles and forty regional grants on 75 thousand roubles everyone is defined.

For each municipality JANAO the maximum quantity of teachers which they can direct for participation in competition is confirmed. So, the greatest number of applicants New Urengoj and Noyabrsk (on 14 persons) can present, Purovsky area (10 teachers). From Gubkinsky, and also Tazovsky and Shuryshkarsky areas in competition can participate on 4 teachers, a quota for Krasnoselkupsky area – 3 persons.

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