To Salekhard there comes Alexander Krylo

To Salekhard there comes Alexander Krylo
In Salehardmkom мвк a name Shemanovsky, there will pass an exhibition of works, the master artist on amber, the restorer and the keeper the Amber office of the Ekaterina's palace, Alexander Krylov. The exhibition will open the doors to inhabitants and visitors of capital on April, 15th.

A.Krylov one of the famous masters of amber art whom compare with, Pavel Bazhov, the Ural stone-cutter Daniel. Among its amber works, a playing violin (the single copy in the world), the Easter egg with a crown of the emperor, an exact copy of the Isaakievsky cathedral on which creation of the master has inspired a wooden breadboard model of a cathedral, also a special place among its works is occupied with amber icons.

The part from its works will be exposed in the main museum complex of capital JANAO. During the stay on Yamal Alexander Krylov is going to meet pupils of the District house of crafts, and to share with them processing secrets of "a solar stone».

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