In Salekhard the Inter-regional exhibition-fair «World of the woman» will take place.

From March, 3 till March, 7th in Salekhard in Exhibition centre MVK of I.S.Shemanovskogo VI Inter-regional exhibition-fair «World of the woman», devoted to the International women's day will take place.

VI Inter-regional exhibition-fair «World of the woman» consists of sections «Beauty and health», «Your style», «Tourism. Rest. Travel», «Comfort and a cosiness». Participation in it manufacturers of the goods and services from Moscow, Tyumen, Ukhta, Kirov will accept, Labytnangi, Salekhard. In particular, at an exhibition the fur clothes, cosmetics and perfumery, jeweller ornaments, stylish optics, design jersey and accessories, footwear, the goods for creation of a cosy interior and many other things will be presented. Also within the limits of an exhibition will pass master classes, presentations, defile-show of fashionable design clothes.

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