The main museum of Yamal invites to «the Man's format»

Photocompetition «Hunting and fishing for Yamal» and an exhibition «Dembelsky album» will open in Salekhard on February, 19th.

As «the Tyumen line» reports, exhibitions will pass in frameworks of an inter-regional exhibition-fair «Man's format», devoted to Day of the defender of Fatherland. Actions will pass in district muzejno-expocentre of I.S.Shemanovskogo.

«Hunting and fishing for Yamal» is a photocompetition for the men preferring a healthy way of life and productive leisure. Everyone конкурсант can participate in one or several nominations: «Both laughter, and a sin …» (the comic case which has occurred on hunting, fishing), "Retrospective show" (the photos which have been removed not later than 1980), «the Best trophies». Solemn ceremony of rewarding of winners on February, 22nd will take place.

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