Salekhard will accept Victory relay race

Salekhard will accept Victory relay race
Solemn reception of relay race of the Victory will take place on February, 19th in Salekhard. As «the Tyumen line» reports, representatives of boundary management of FSB of Russia deliver to Salekhard from Arkhangelsk a relay race symbol – a sleeve filled with the earth which in some days will move to Norilsk. The All-Russia relay race of the Victory started on February, 2nd and will pass till May, 28th along borders of the state-participants of commonwealth of the independent states.

It started simultaneously in the Belarus Brest and the Russian Murmansk on two routes. The first – on territories of Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia and Russia, and a part of this route passes along the Arctic coast of Russia – from Murmansk to island Ratmanova. The second route will pass along frontiers Russian Federations and borders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

In capital of Yamal will pass solemn actions with participation of members of go-ahead group. Military men will meet youth, the public and veterans, with representatives executive and legislature. They will take part in lessons of courage and exhibitions, solemn meeting in centre "Heritage", will assign flowers to Eternal fire to the areas of the Victory, etc. on February, 21st Victory relay race will go to Norilsk. Action in Moscow on a grief Poklonnoj finishes on May, 28th.

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