In Salekhard there will pass an exhibition of live tropical butterflies

In Salekhard there will pass an exhibition of live tropical butterflies
On February, 11th in Muzejno-expocenter of I.S.Shemanovsky the cities of Salekhards, the exhibition of live tropical butterflies will open. Daily inhabitants of Salekhard and city visitors can see an exposition of live tropical butterflies of the countries of South East Asia, Africa, Australia, Southern and Central America and to make an unforgettable photo.

Come on «the Exhibition of live tropical butterflies» will see Troides rhadamantus, Papilio palinurus, Idea leuconoe and many other things. Wingspan of the biggest inhabitant (Attacus Atlas) more than 25 sm!

In a greenhouse all necessary conditions for life of butterflies are created: optimum temperature, humidity of air and a light spectrum are supported. Life of the butterfly is short-lived (from several o'clock about one week), therefore the exposition is constantly updated.

Butterflies don't breed out of a native habitat, so, they had to overcome huge distance to give to visitors pleasure of the, by nature, short life.

The exposition grasps at first sight: unique butterflies from the farthest corners of the Earth make strong impression. Madly bright paints, ease and carelessness of fine and free creations are given to children by delight, and adults forces to be convinced once again of fragility and fragility by true of beauty. About some butterflies legends go, details of a way of life of others in itself are similar to a fairy tale. About all the skilled guide will tell about it.

The exhibition will work till March, 11th.

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