In St.-Petersburg the Yamal museum change will work

In St.-Petersburg the Yamal museum change will workFrom July, 1 till July, 21st in a children's recreation camp "Yamal" in St.-Petersburg there will begin work museum change 2010 during which time children will get acquainted with museums and monuments of culture of Northern capital.

As the press-service of governor YANAO informs, the program of museum change consists of four blocks: cultural-educationa, sports.

Besides traditional excursions in the Hermitage, Peterhof and a sightseeing tour on a city during change children will visit the Water museum, Suvorov's museum, the Museum of political history of Russia, a museum of history of St.-Petersburg — the Peter and Paul Fortress, etc.

The program of master classes is constructed in the game form which purpose — to give to children of knowledge of construction of museum and educational space, to generate skills of search and information classification, skills of its presentation. For disclosing of creative potential of children in the program have included employment on actor's skill.

This year cooperation with fan-club "Zenith" proceeds, and one day of change will be devoted "Zenith". By this day teenagers within the limits of the museums should issue sports museum. The best exposition will be awarded by "Zenith" prizes. Competition of commands of fans, an intellectual quiz on a football theme become results of sports day a companionable match on football.

In end of museum change 2010 will be presentation museums, compositions and a film of children about travel — excursions in museums of Petersburg.

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