In New Urengoe have begun work school camp for young inhabitants

In New Urengoe have begun work school camp for young inhabitants
School camp for young will begin the work in a city since June, 2nd.

As the press-service of administration of the New Urengoja informs, the first change will work till June, 25th on the basis of seven educational institutions of a city. It is planned that camp will accept in the first change of 625 children. Within summer on school platforms will have a rest about thousand young.

Plans of work with children who include various cultural-dosugovye and sports actions, game programs, visiting of children's ecological station, the House of children's creativity, excursion and campaigns, employment in pool are already made, etc.

Children will be provided by thrice hot meals with obligatory inclusion in a diet of vegetables and fruit. All school camp are completed by pedagogical and medical workers, equipped by necessary transport.

Children will be under supervision of school teachers, teachers of an additional education and physicians.

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