The Yamal schoolboys will have a rest in the summer on the sea

Nurseries improving the camp, located in the south of the Tyumen region, coast of the Black and Azov seas, in St.-Petersburg, and also the international camp "Yamal" in Bulgaria expect arrival of Yamal children and teenagers. The first groups of children, have noted in department on the youth policy of district, have already gone to vacation spots.
As the press-service of governor YANAO informs, young northerners will have a rest and will restore the health, become participants of the interesting and informative programs developed by skilled leaders and heads of changes. Sports, creativity, tourism and study of local lore, ecology and патриотика — to everyone will be business to liking.
Throughout all changes will pass the actions devoted to two sign events of 2010: to Year of the teacher and the 80 anniversary of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.
Except complex, for young inhabitants of region specialised changes will be organised. So, Yamal юнармейцы will pass a course of the young fighter on traditional change in an oboronno-sports centre «the Patriot of Yamal» (Barrow). The best cadets of Yamal are encouraged by permits in district oboronno-sports camp-expedition «Young captain» on the basis of Novorossisk. In camp "Yamal" in St.-Petersburg there will pass profile museum change, and in camp "Sun" — the communication project «I am a chief!».
Among bright events of this year — summer changes in a district camp «Northern open spaces» (July-August), located near to settlement Harp (Priuralsky area). This year this camp will accept young tourists and regional specialists in anniversary — the tenth time.
The second International festival-congress of youth and students «We for world peace becomes a finale of summer improving campaign!». It will pass on August, 23-30rd in the DALE "Yamal" (Bulgaria, Kiten) and will carry the status of the federal.
The student's youth, representatives of the youth organisations of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Russian diaspora from the countries of near and far abroad become participants of festival.
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