Yamal «Northern open spaces» will note the 10 anniversary with "highlight"

Yamal «Northern open spaces» will note the 10 anniversary with "highlight"
In July, 2010 the Yamal camp «Northern open spaces», located in settlement Harp of Priuralsky area, in the tenth time will lift the flag at bottom of Polar Ural Mountains.

As the press-service of governor YANAO informs, for nine years of work in «Northern open spaces» has had a rest 1440 children and teenagers. In 2003 the camp has received the Grant of I degree of the commission of the Federation Council on affairs of youth and sports of Federal meeting of the Russian Federation, for realisation of socially significant project "Sherwood forest". In 2006 the district camp «Northern open spaces» has received Certificate UFNS on camp inclusion in the program «Emergency ration of Russia» on patriotic education of children and teenagers.

Anniversary 2010 will present to participants of camp two unforgettable changes — «the Lost earths» and «Artefacts of Giperborei». Within the limits of each of them will take place a traditional foot campaign across Polar Ural Mountains and a water alloy on the river Sob. Farewell celebratory fireworks become a rest highlight.

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