The Yamal artist became the winner of the International forum of caricatures

The director of the district House of crafts Sergey Luginin became one of winners of V International Forum of visual humour of "Karikaturum" in a nomination "Sculpture".

As the press-service of governor YANAO informs, work of the Yamal artist is awarded I prize «the Gold cap with ear-flaps». For all history of existence of the International competition for the first time the artist living in territory of Western Siberia became the winner in one of nominations.

Let's remind, in 2001 the Surgut art museum had been based the International Forum of visual humour of "Karikaturum". For years of the existence the Forum has obtained a wide international recognition. During its work in it have taken part more than 900 artists from 65 countries of the world. Now the Surgut art museum possesses an impressive collection (5000 units of storage) caricatures, cartoons, a sculpture and an ironical photo.

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