In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug there will pass the III International Arctic forum "The Arctic - the dialogue territory"

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug there will pass the III International Arctic forum "The Arctic - the dialogue territory"
Management of a federal mail service of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug – Russian Post Federal State Unitary Enterprise branch the Arctic - the dialogue territory" which will pass in the Congress the center Salekhard will organize ceremony of clearing of the postcards devoted by III international to the Arctic forum ". Action is carried out under the aegis of Russian geographical society (RGO).

Postcards will be let out by RGO in limited circulation, only 150 pieces. Brands also will be picked up taking into account the Arctic subject: nuclear ice breakers «50 years of the Victory», "Russia", "Yamal", bears, international polar year, etc.

Specially for guests and participants of a forum this day in a building the congress of the center will work temporary OPS, where everyone can use services of a mail service, including send native and to friends a memorable postcard.

The majority of postcards will be sent the abroad that emphasizes the importance of a forum not only for inhabitants of Russia, but also Canada, the USA, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, forming Arctic "eight" – the Arctic council, and also Great Britain, China and Monaco.
Spravochno: The board of trustees of Russian geographical society (RGO) is headed by the president of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin.

By the main subject III of the International Arctic forum "The Arctic - the dialogue territory" it will be devoted to questions of ecological safety of the Arctic. The second forum took place in Arkhangelsk on the basis of Northern federal university and was devoted to questions of commissioning of the Northern sea way, its infrastructure and safety.

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