It is summed up the V International competition of a park sculpture «North Legend»

It is summed up the V International competition of a park sculpture «North Legend»
On September 8 labytnangets celebrated the City Day. This year to the city of Seven larches 144 years were executed. This day were summed up the V International festival competition of a park sculpture «North Legend».

Let's remind that opening of a festival took place on August 31. As organizers of a festival competition, Russia — the multinational country with centuries-old history note. Generations, persons and eras, events and traditions — are pages of history of our great country. Important value in the history of Russia occupies development of the Arctic. A subject «Legendary Arctic» in the sculptural compositions participants of a festival competition also should reflect.
It is summed up the V International competition of a park sculpture «North Legend»

Within eight days citizens observed, how masters from usual logs created sculptures and the whole sculptural compositions. During a festive concert summarizing of a festival competition took place and names of winners were called. Acquainting the audience with masters — participants of a festival, his main inspirers — Minsalim Timergazeev (the director of JSC Minasalim, the member of the Union of artists of Russia) and Sergey Luginin (the director of the District House of crafts, the chairman of regional office of the Union of artists of Russia) told about the created works, about artists who during this time became kind friends.
It is summed up the V International competition of a park sculpture «North Legend»

«North Legends» Nikiforov Kirill (Noyabrsk) is called the winner of the V International festival competition of a park sculpture. Its work is called the "Arctic". The 2nd place was occupied by Paul Dins (New Zealand). The master created a sculpture under the name "Travel". The 3rd place is awarded to Mikhail Ivanov (the Krasnoselkupsky area, page Krasnoselkup). Its work is called «Love parent».

All competitive works are transferred by masters in gift to the city of Labytnangi. 15 sculptures become now an ornament of its streets.

[color =#C0C0C0]Are used photographic materials from a site Labytnangi-TV

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