Salekhard will decorate with park sculptures

Salekhard will decorate with park sculptures
The international festival of a park sculpture «North Legend», passing in capital of Yamal — Salekhard is finished from August, 27th till September, 5th. All competitive works will be established in district capital.

Participation in creative competition was accepted by sculptors of Russia, Germany, Iceland, India and Kazakhstan.

During festival the open lesson of drawing at school of arts of Salekhard with participation of the sculptor from Iceland Birgisdottir Hildigunnur has been organized. Young artists of a city on the Polar circle, teachers of school meeting with a technique of teaching of art disciplines in Iceland, with the organization of educational process, and also have shown the skill.

The festival has been devoted celebrating of the 80 anniversary of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. The organizer of action — department international and foreign economic relations JANAO.

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