In birthday of Yamal in Salekhard there will pass Obdorsky fair.
The celebratory program will pass on the area before shopping center «Gifts of Yamal» on December, 10-11th. As have told in department of culture of autonomous region, throughout all fair of inhabitants and city visitors characters of theater of Parsley, cheerful buffoons-inventors will entertain. Fair will be visited also "present" by a merchant. Also the creative group will present bright performances, the amusing performances reproducing exhibition trade of northern people, cheerful game programs.
During a holiday national and author's songs performed by creative collectives of the District Center of national cultures – folklore group, ensemble of the Cossack song of "Ljubo", folklore ensemble of a song "Slavs", vocal ensemble of the Tatar song of "Duslyk", a vocal quartet of the Tatar song of "Joldyz", Nenets folklore group «you ' this», vocal group «Sorni тутые» will sound.
Visitors also will take part in a concert part of the program from Priuralsky area – creative collectives of the Center of national cultures: vocal ensemble «Russian song», folklore ensemble «Asja», folklore ensemble «Ovs», Nenets folklore ensemble "Jalemd".
Trading places at fair are stylized under benches in Old Russian style. There will be also sledge with traditional northern goods: the frozen meat and fish. At fair also it will be possible to get national clothes and headdresses, бурки and souvenir production. Interested persons can sweep on cervine teams and visit the present plagues.
Obdorsky (and the capital of Yamal – Salekhard was called Obdorsky earlier) fair – historical for Yamal. The first has taken place in 1825, last mention of carrying out of fair in 1909. At the well-known Obdorsky fair traded in furs, northern белорыбицей, a bone, the fish glue, the bird's feather, birch чагой, boats, fur clothes and other goods. In January-February in a city on the Polar circle gathered ненцы and ханты, merchants of the Tobolsk, Yenisei, Arkhangelsk provinces gathered. As monetary unit the white fox served. Fair on a turn of capitals was one of the first in the Tobolsk province and was a good source of replenishment of the Russian budget.
To the beginning of the twentieth century from Obdorska it was annually taken out on the markets to 200 thousand poods of fish and about 50 thousand fur skins (a polar fox, a fox, the squirrel, an ermine, etc.).
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
During a holiday national and author's songs performed by creative collectives of the District Center of national cultures – folklore group, ensemble of the Cossack song of "Ljubo", folklore ensemble of a song "Slavs", vocal ensemble of the Tatar song of "Duslyk", a vocal quartet of the Tatar song of "Joldyz", Nenets folklore group «you ' this», vocal group «Sorni тутые» will sound.
Visitors also will take part in a concert part of the program from Priuralsky area – creative collectives of the Center of national cultures: vocal ensemble «Russian song», folklore ensemble «Asja», folklore ensemble «Ovs», Nenets folklore ensemble "Jalemd".
Trading places at fair are stylized under benches in Old Russian style. There will be also sledge with traditional northern goods: the frozen meat and fish. At fair also it will be possible to get national clothes and headdresses, бурки and souvenir production. Interested persons can sweep on cervine teams and visit the present plagues.
Obdorsky (and the capital of Yamal – Salekhard was called Obdorsky earlier) fair – historical for Yamal. The first has taken place in 1825, last mention of carrying out of fair in 1909. At the well-known Obdorsky fair traded in furs, northern белорыбицей, a bone, the fish glue, the bird's feather, birch чагой, boats, fur clothes and other goods. In January-February in a city on the Polar circle gathered ненцы and ханты, merchants of the Tobolsk, Yenisei, Arkhangelsk provinces gathered. As monetary unit the white fox served. Fair on a turn of capitals was one of the first in the Tobolsk province and was a good source of replenishment of the Russian budget.
To the beginning of the twentieth century from Obdorska it was annually taken out on the markets to 200 thousand poods of fish and about 50 thousand fur skins (a polar fox, a fox, the squirrel, an ermine, etc.).
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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