On Yamal starts folklore festival

On Yamal starts folklore festival
XI District festival of folklore of the people of the North starts tomorrow, on June, 11th, in Salehrade.

As the press-service of the governor of Yamal, total of participants informs — and these are creative collectives both separate executors and masters of arts and crafts — will make more than 150 persons.

Actors from Nenets autonomous region (village Red), Salekhard and Labytnangi will participate in a folklore holiday. Executors plan to arrive To a city on the Polar circle and collectives from Priuralsky (Harp, Aksarka, Harsaim, Katravozh), Yamal (Jar-fat), Shuryshkarsky (Lophari, Ovgort, Kazym-cape, Hashgort, Muzhi), Purovsky (Самбург), Nadym (Кутопьюган), Tazovsky (Tazovsky) and Krasnoselkupsky (Красноселькуп) areas also.

In the performances participants of festival will present original creativity of the people of the North: products of oral national creativity, subject sketches of family-household holidays and ceremonies.

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