The district capital of Yamal prepares for the City Day
The district capital of Yamal is going to mark the next City Day — hardly probable not the most fascinating and favourite holiday of inhabitants.
415 years are, of course, not one thousand, but in measurements of the Far North — date reputable. Especially for Salekhard it now double — this year is marked the 80 anniversary of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.
Organizers of celebratory actions hope that townspeople will be developed from the bottom of the heart. Interesting actions are prepared many. Among participants of the program — popular musical collectives of a city, sports meets, actions and entertaining actions.
Anniversary will come to the end with performance of representatives of the Russian platform and fireworks. And here spirits and beer, including, on the celebratory area it will be forbidden to sell, — the city administration press-service informs.
415 years are, of course, not one thousand, but in measurements of the Far North — date reputable. Especially for Salekhard it now double — this year is marked the 80 anniversary of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.
Organizers of celebratory actions hope that townspeople will be developed from the bottom of the heart. Interesting actions are prepared many. Among participants of the program — popular musical collectives of a city, sports meets, actions and entertaining actions.
Anniversary will come to the end with performance of representatives of the Russian platform and fireworks. And here spirits and beer, including, on the celebratory area it will be forbidden to sell, — the city administration press-service informs.
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