Young peoples will go on the Fur-tree to the Kremlin

Young peoples will go on the Fur-tree to the Kremlin
New year — the main holiday of year. The most unforgettable gift for children — a trip to Moscow on the all-Russian New Year tree. This year for a holiday which will pass on December, 26th in the State Kremlin Palace, the group of lucky beggars from Yamal will go. Among them 9 peoples which have been noted for special merits in study, sports and creativity in information-analytical management of a city administration New Urengoj.

Participants of a trip — pupils of 4-7 classes of educational institutions of municipal union (school №1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 15 and 17, the childhood center, a grammar school): honors pupils of study, winners of the subject Olympic Games, winners of creative competitions, prize-winners of various sports competitions.

Three-day stay of children in Moscow, including hotel accommodation, a food and transport, pays Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. Expenses for journey, a food on the journey and excursions are incurred by municipal union.

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